Dear Dysfunctional,
As a manner of introduction, it's been a couple days since I've posted, but there's a good explanation for that. You see, over the past couple of weeks or so, I was seriously going totally gung-ho all over my blog, and as a result, I ran fresh out of topics. A foreseeable result, yes, I know. Well, either way, I figured that since there is no way I'll ever adapt in the blogosphere without continuing to turn things out even when inspiration is somewhat lacking, here I am. Oh, and this isn't really a legit blog post at all, it's more of a way for me to justify my own blogging mediocrity. Either way, I'm going to be going in for a long wait for an X-ray, so for lack of anything better to do, I'll most probably conjure up one there.
Till next we meet,
Charlie O'Rourke
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