Grandiloquent Vocabulary

This page was created for the betterment of your conversational ability. Expect obscure, pointless, and phonetically pleasing words here. Now go get your class on.

Loquacious- chatty, talkative, babbling.

Flivver- something of a low quality. Older slang uses this to refer to an old inexpensive automobile.

Predilection- a preference or an inclination to view something favorably. For example, I have a predilection for people who read my blog. Just saying.

Vapid- tasteless, having lost its enjoyment or pleasure. Flat or dull, without spirit or liveliness. This can refer to food and activities, and often does as well to people.

Aberration- something that differs from the norm.

Acquiesce- to agree without arguing, like all of us do.

Brusque- snappy, blunt, terse, dismissive. Often used to describe somebody's attitude. "Grant often offended his colleagues with his brusque comments." (historical note: no, I'm not referring to Ulysses S. Grant)

Cajole- this is not a native american tribe; it is instead defined as to urge, to coax.

Scintillate- To spark or twinkle like a star. Can also be defined as a flash of brilliance, in an intellectual sense.

Kerfuffle- a commotion caused by differing opinions. Yes, I know, I didn't think it was a real word at first either...

Esoteric- to be understood or made for a small exclusive group of people, limited to a small group of people. Example: the fact that there have actually been no moon landings is esoteric knowledge. Now that I've told you, I'll have to kill you.

Contumely- insulting language or treatment

Quidnunc- an overly inquisitive or gossipy individual

Adroit- skilled with one's hands or mind

Frisson- a sudden urge of excitement. Can also mean a shiver.

Sphallolalia- empty or pointless conversation, flirtatious in nature.

Lucubration- study or composition lasting well into the night; late night study

Cacophony- a harsh and grating collection of sounds

Macerate- to cause to grow thinner or waste away, to soften by soaking- in reference to food

Emaciation- Yes, very similar; this is the state of being weak or thin: synonymous with starved

Salacious- obscene, lewd

Salacious- pertaining to or resembling a willow

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