Dear Dysfunctional,
Bombs and sich and such. Humanity has been killing each other for; well, I cant think of a time when we haven't. Well, it looks like we have a lot to apologize for. Why all the strife? Can we imagine all the people living in harmony? Sorry to break it to you, Lennon, but I'm afraid that will never really happen. The problem with us is that, we're human. We can't change that, and we shouldn't try to. But, though being human means that inevitably we make mistakes of all sorts, I doesn't mean that we can't try to minimize them. Unfortunately, the widespread perception is that our little faults, our little missteps, are inconsequential. We think that what we do doesn't effect anybody. Well, if you never will know what positive effect you will have through your charitable and good actions, well, you may never know what kind of harm your selfish little actions will do. It's a two way street. Now, all the misery in the world isn't caused by small little sins, but thats where it starts. You start out small, and if you don't fight it, it snowballs. Thats how people who torture animals as kids end up as psychopathic killers. And you know were these people may have started down that path? because people may have just been too lazy to reach out to them, too self-absorbed to see a problem, too selfish to show any love. People all want love, not necessarily in the way most understand it, but love as in the sort of love that can really connect people. You don't have to necessarily know a person to love them, you can learn to love people just because they're people. When everybody learns to do that, then problems will start solving themselves.
'Till next time,
John Turner
PS, song of the day is I'd Love To Change The World, by Ten Years After. I hope you do too.
Wow this is such a deep post but I gotta agree with you on this one on so many levels. It's like Earth Hour or Recycling. Lots of people thinks that bullshit but it's because of people like that that the Earth is in the state which it is in today. Which is why I really appreciate those environmentalist or countries that takes such things seriously because you just gotta start small before reaching the results that you want to see. It will not just automatically work out on its on. Great post Charlie :D