Saturday, March 23, 2013

Of Sonnets and Winter

Dear Dysfunctional,
(and yes, this is the correct spelling, for those of you who doubt my spelling (insert winking face emoticon)) I do not claim to be a good writer, I may write a lot, but thats not saying anything really.... So why is it considered necessary to be writing Shakespearean sonnets at this time in my tender youth? Is it considered a vital part of my formative education to be able to write complex metric poetry? What childhood abnormalities have warranted this treatment? Well, consider that the full length to which I will pursue that complain, and no, I will not be posting my sophomore attempts at poetry when I actually do finish that assignment... I know, I have just deprived you of perhaps the only real entertainment you could've ever hoped to enjoy on this blog, but I have my reputation to consider; that is, whatever reputation remains after one begins blogging. On one last pleasant aside before I end this, it is officially spring by now, which is, for the majority of sane michiganders a relief. However, winter, despite the warnings of the calendar and the commands of the fraudulent groundhog, continues to reign supreme, despite maledictions hurled from the inhabitants of earth... Forecast for Easter; cloudy and riots.
Vastinos Chios

PS song of the day is... (drumroll)..... Miserable Lie, by The Smiths!

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