Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mystic Music

Dear Dysfunctional,
Want to hear a depressing thought? All of that music that you love, even the songs that you actually find to be musically proficient and skillfully written, and not just fun; well, all of that music will probably be gone, utterly forgotten in probably seventy years or so. Everything you enjoy so much will disappear. Just thought I'd throw that semi-existential thought at you. But what does that really matter? I mean, is not music meant to be enjoyed, and not necessarily meant to be a mode of infinite human thought... Well, don't stop listening to music just because it may not last forever. But why do we find music so entertaining? It is a collection of sounds that follow some type of order. I mean, big whoop. But really, that's what's so appealing about it. Order, things reacting with each other in a pattern that is subliminal recognized. Maybe that's why I actually really enjoy to see something as simple as an organized drawer. Humanity is drawn towards organization and order, and repelled by chaos. So go clean your room.
Farl Benin

PS...since I'm talking about music, might as well throw an extra song at you. Brain Damage, by Pink Floyd. It's especially relevant since the album it's on, Dark Side of the Moon, is the longest charting album; with seven hundred and forty one weeks.

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