Monday, March 4, 2013

The Cult of the Silver Lining

Dear Dysfuntional,
greetings from a brand new perspective! Allow me to elaborate; over the past few minutes, I have discovered a new way to look at life, which I suspect nobody has ever before attempted. I call it positivism, or the cult of silver lining. For example, my inability to grow any higher can be an advantage when you look at it this way: now I am shorter, and can live among a pygmy tribe and make it a reality TV show called "Pygmy-Shmygmy", or something, and make thousands. Viola! mission accomplished, and I am now subscribed to the group of senior citizens who tell you to look on the bright side. But hey, look on the bright side, the bright side is a lot more fun... let them eat cake, drink and be merry! Okay, so life is not rated by how much fun you have, but really, is there any reason why you should go through it with a long face? I mean, come on, Calvinists! Or at least, come on, you old 1600s Calvinists! Or, better yet, come on, Amish! Live a little! my first suggestion is to lose those clothes, but if you're reading this right now, you must have lost the fear of electronics before you lost the clothes, so never mind. But, to re-rail this train, the point remains. If you look around you, you can plainly see that the world is inherently beautiful and good, so get out there and enjoy that for a bit. The world is your oyster, and yes, you do have time to fit that little bit of enjoyment into your busy schedule, even if its just looking out the window at a bird or savoring the smell of brewing coffee in the morning. Life's in the little things, so just look around!
Au revoir,
Syd Nantes

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