Sleep is a beautiful thing. In sleep, you are refreshed, and upon waking, the troubles and worries of the previous day have dropped from your beleaguered mind as snow from the winter sky. The human in repose is an image of peace and trust unlike any other. Uncognizant of his surroundings, the sleeping soul trusts that the world around him will continue in its good graces towards him; that he will not awake to find that all is not well. Well, the person that assumes this has obviously never had any real friends. When one falls alseep, the trust is so great that your fellow man can not help but betray it. I have, and I kid you not, awoken to find that my friends have draped me in pickles and grass and jumped on me repeatedly in my rest. Nor is this trait a new one. Man has devised scores of tortures to inflict on the sleeping; whipped cream, water torture, the infamous warm water trick (which does not really work, by the by), and dragging individuals about the room or even college campus to pose pantless with multiple landmarks and the like. To be perfectly frank, I would prefer that we needn't sleep at all. Sleep is a huge scam. It is pleasurable, but only in so much as relieves you of tiredness. But if you weren't tired in the first place, then sleep would be an utter pain. It's like social networking; it doesnt make any sense until everybody buys into it, and at that point there's no escape...
Sweet Dreams!
Sir Elton Talley

PS, song of the day is Shoot You Down, by The Stone Roses
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