Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Here Comes The Sun... do do do do

Dear Dysfunctional,
as I sit here, regarding the world around me with cool indifference, I cant help but notice that something is lacking. A short glance (a movement performed at a speed calculated to be as suave as possible) out the window affirms me what my intuition told me; there is no sun today. The first thought that crosses my mind is that perhaps this occurence correlates with the fact that I have failed to offer the necessary sacrafice this morning. The second, however, is one which catches my mind and holds it in a firm yet gentle grip. Like that butterfly. What was I saying? Ah yes, the sun. That sphere of light and heat that so graciously radiates the energy we need to survive. The heavenly being upon whom even the moon relies for her graceful gleam. For millenia, man has been in awe of it, almost every culture had a god for it, a mighty diety who man could not survive without. At least the latter part of this has remained true, even when it is stripped of the technical and physical side of the matter. In addition to the fact that we would be blocks of ice in milliseconds without the sun, I do not think I could survive without it even if it were technically possible to. Having lived in Michigan for five years, I know how incredibly depressing it is to have to live without the unadulterated light of the sun, subsiding instead upon what fortunate rays found their way to earth through the cloud which blanket the already grey and depressing landscape. Well, maybe I can make it through the rest of the day. Hmm, where's the vicodin....
Victor Farve

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