Dear Dysfunctional,
Once there was a child. He awoke one day to find himself in a landscape foriegn to the utmost to him. Around him, he found all the axioms of his experience, all the absolutes and all the truths, were shattered. About him individuals were encapsulated, in glass globes from which they could view the world, view each other, but trapped inside their glass prisons, they had no knowledge of what the others were. They had always been as they were then, and trapped immobile, they had no way to know that everyone around them was as they were, they thought of each other as poor, miserable creatures; they thought of the other humans around them as inferior creatures because they were trapped. Their perception of each other was one of pity for what they belied themselves was a state worse than their own. For each in their own globe thought themselves above the others, a diety among mortals. Yet they never considered that they themselves were exactly the same as the others around them, they were so absorbed in stroking their own ego that they never considered that they too were in a frightful plight. So long had they been trapped that they had forgotten, forgotten what it was to actually move. Little by little they had enslaved themselves, for they too were once free. But they had accepted their own globes, they accepted the globes because they sheltered them against the elements. Gradually the globes shrank. Gradually, the people forgot who the other humans were. They even forgot they were humans at all: they had grown so calloused in their ego centrical environment. They lost all their old memories of freedom and of each other.
Cailliau Berners-Lee
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