Friday, March 8, 2013

Blues Breakers; Try Oranges and Reds...

Dear Dysfunctional,
Our lives tend not to be very original. When it comes down to our day to day lives, we will often times stumble through without a glimpse of vitality or a blurb of random stupidity that sweetens life. Mundane tasks that we perform every day can lose their meaning and become grey and neutral; things that can be pleasurable, like eating and sleeping, becomes merely a daily habit. Monotony sets in, and gradually takes control of your brain, like a deadly parasite, and lodges its despairing attitude and melancholic perspective in your subconscious... However, like all deadly parasites, this diseased outlook on life can be cured. And really, if you look around you, it really makes itself obvious to you. Pretty muchly everything around you is beautiful in some way, however small it may seem. To realize this is a good solid first step. Slowly, through practice, you can begin to realize that life isn't just something boring, but something that breathes life and color from every last particle. Yet another step is to be random. Being random and spontaneous is pretty much the best thing you can do ever... it makes you a fun person, and somebody who is always full of their own joy. It helps to say lots of odd words, such as somnambulist and gumption. It also helps to listen to a lot of music, and to hum it a lot, even to the extent that it bugs the crap out of your family. Often times, when you bug your siblings, you know you're on to something. Yet another helpful cure is to do something creative. Draw, write, play music. Revert to your childhood. Hiding in cardboard boxes runs a close second for some of the best ways to spend a half hour or so, with making a couch cushion fort being first. Just have fun!
Have fun living it up,
Lemony Underwood

PS song of the day iiiissss.... hum diddly dum dum... First Day Of My Life, by Bright Eyes. Look for a Spotify link under the song of the day page!

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