Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Short Tidbit

Dear Dysfunctional,
Today I was talking with a dear friend, and I couldn't help but wonder; why is the world so screwed up? Where did we go wrong? I mean, you look around, at the news, on the streets, and you see self-absorbed people who never want to leave their comfort zone, while people up top use them to garner more and more power for themselves. Morally we're in a hole, sometimes it seems like nobody's trying to turn things around. Depressing, huh? Yes, I know, it is depressing; the amount of pain and indifference is overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be. I, for one, know a lot of great people, people with able minds and overflowing with potential. They may be far outnumbered, but they do have the ability to literally change the world. Changing the world is not just a question of how talented you are, however. To change things, you have to work, and you have to work hard. It is not comfortable at first, but the more you do it, the farther you stick your neck out, the easier it gets. So get out there, work together, get something done.
Kudos to you if you do,
George Paulet

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