Monday, March 25, 2013

Exfoliations Of A Hungry And Tired Mind

Bodies of water... Incredibly, with all those rivers and lakes and disposable water bottles, we only have about one percent of the worlds water supply to drink; with the remaining ninety nine percent being salt water. With that little water in the world, how do the vampires find enough blood to drink? I mean, there must be about one percent of the clean wqter in the world in blood form. How can they survive at that rate? So please, people, donate some blood, especially you type o blood types; I hear that's a special delicacy. Changing topics, I could use some coffee right about now... I am a man who loves his coffee, so whoever wants to donate some coffee, that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks from a caffeine deprived child. And I'm sorry if this post is so what lacking in general interest, my tanks are pretty much on empty right about now. However, I did write yet another post in class, so maybe I'll post that one too...
Goodbye, and good riddance,
Gilbert Faukler

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