Dear Dysfunctional,
Imagination. This is perhaps one of the most enjoyable aspects of the human mind. With it, you can be a slug the size of the Chrysler Building, or the absolute monarch of your own galaxy. You use it to invent stories, (or lies, have it your way) or to build cities, or just use it to blog about imagination... (ironic how little imagination went into writing about imagination, eh?) Exacerbated by alcohol, it is also capable of coming up with some insane and enjoyable episodes that exceed even expectations for the next Tim Burton movie in their intricacies and general odd flavor. I mean really, your imagination has a full time job. In addition to the effort it puts for in writing papers for school and such... ahem, practical exercises, (cough cough) it also has to meet all your demands for enjoyable daydreaming; which we all know takes up at least sixty to seventy-five percent of your waking lives (don't deny it, you slacker). Besides this, it is pretty much the only office in you mind's business complex that works night shifts too, dreaming up incredible scenarios which makes you question which shady street corners you frequent while sleep walking. So when your imagination does quit on you, cut it some slack. Its not its fault that when you're staring in the refrigerator you can't think of any ingenious and delicious food combination to sate your hunger, like, umm.... anchovies and peppermint ice cream, to name one. In addition, you should take more time to make sure you are giving your imagination the appreciation it so richly deserves. Feed it with the souls of the Juju beetle, soothe it with a few shots of vodka, or maybe give it a vacation: watch some more public programming or something. In short, don't take it for granted, or one day, it may catch on to the popular labor trend and strike or something.
Spokesperson of Your Subconscious Inc,
Emmet Lymon
PS, song of the day is Sunny Afternoon, by the Kinks...
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